Well, I had a Raspberry Pi crash on me earlier today. It happened to be the one serving as a data bridge for my new weather station. This $35 computer's single purpose is to take data from the station and upload it to the Internet. Unfortunately, the boot partition on the system's SD card suddenly corrupted on me. It took a little work, but I was able to install a new OS and we are back in business!
I am now, once again, uploading data to several weather sites including: Weather Underground (KTXHENDE9), WeatherCloud (cool new site), WeatherBug and the Citizens' Weather Program (via Amateur Radio). There is also this cool display.
The whole process has been a fun experience, especially learning the ins and outs of weewx, the program that handles the weather data. It's a native Linux program and runs very well, even on a relatively old RasPi B+.
For those interested, you can view the raw APRS packets sent here as well as a nice table of weather data here.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Monday, April 11, 2016
New Weather Station Online
After a couple of failed starts, I've finally got a new weather station up and running. The station itself is an AcuRite 2064 with a 5-in-1 Sensor Combo, located just outside my office window.
I run Linux on my office computer and don't keep it on all the time, so I decided I wanted a dedicated system to maintain the station data. So, I spent some time trying to get an older Raspberry Pi computer up and running with weewx to accept the data and upload it to the internet. Finally got it working and the data is now uploading to findu.com (via APRS-IS) as well as WeatherUnderground.
Coincidentally, we've had some storms and rain come through today, it's already getting a work out!
Here's a link to the Weather Underground site and a link to the APRS site.
I run Linux on my office computer and don't keep it on all the time, so I decided I wanted a dedicated system to maintain the station data. So, I spent some time trying to get an older Raspberry Pi computer up and running with weewx to accept the data and upload it to the internet. Finally got it working and the data is now uploading to findu.com (via APRS-IS) as well as WeatherUnderground.
Coincidentally, we've had some storms and rain come through today, it's already getting a work out!
Here's a link to the Weather Underground site and a link to the APRS site.
Saturday, May 2, 2015
The VOA Radiogram
Map of "Media Freedom" received via Fldigi during the VOA Radiogram |
Nowadays, the truth is, you don't need a new radio, just a computer (or Android tablet or phone) and you CAN receive pictures with your radio. And while fellow hams may protest that this is nothing new (and they're right) what is new is seriousness with which the U.S. government is taking it.
Photo for a story on "eRadiators" received via Fldigi during the VOA Radiogram |
Anyone with a $10 SDR dongle (made in China by the millions), a computer, tablet or smartphone, and a free piece of software called Fldigi, can receive the VOA's Radiogram as well as the accompanying pictures.
The government is excited about this "new" project because it allows the VOA to send news, information and even graphics or photos to anywhere on the planet, especially places where the internet is severely censored or even blocked by oppressive regimes. What's more, the text or photos can be printed and distributed to others who might not have access to the broadcast, but less a "free press."
I recently received one of the VOA's Radiograms, including the photos. The lead story discussed a recent report detailing the state of the media in countries around the globe and graded each nation on the amount of "freedom" it allows its media. Here's the weekly VOA Radiogram schedule. I've included a couple of the pictures I received.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Example JT-65 QSO
I've really come to enjoy JT65 and the slooooow QSOs is allows. I'm able to work some great DX with a very modest station while working on other things on my computer. NICE! I recorded a quick video of a recent QSO with an Italian station.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Uncovering a Ham Radio past
I was first licensed as KB5QYH while still in college. I had always wanted to be ham radio operator, evening checking out a book ("So you want to be a Ham") from the local library while in high school. But I never knew how to find a club or even an individual who was already licensed. Google didn't exist, of course, and there was no Instructables to guide me through it.
I did know that my father had been a ham, and his father as well. My mother has a garage littered with relics of the 1950s and 1960s when he had been both an amateur and a professional in the radio industry. But he had died when I was five and all I could do was fiddle with the old equipment and wonder how it worked.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
A little Propaganda from Cuba!
I recently got a QSL card from a Cuban station. What until you see what was on the back side!
Read the whole story on our club website: RuskCountyARC.com
Read the whole story on our club website: RuskCountyARC.com
Saturday, December 7, 2013
First JT65 Contact!
I've listened to the dah-dah-dah-dah tones on the upper side of the PSK band several times and wondered what those stranges sounds were. I soon figured that had to be JT65 QSOs, but knew little more.
Well, I finally gave in and googled around until I found the WSJT software, download and I was off to the races!
It took some time digesting the user guide and figuring out exactly how the typical QSO went. I listened and decoded several stations and event tried to call them, but no luck.
Then, after about an hour, AK4AT came back! Now I'm hooked! A few minutes later I worked K6MSM. I knew, this was going to be fun.
Now, a word of caution, if you've never dabbled in JT65. It's not a speed demon. Since the mode was originally created for moon-bounce and other weak signal situation, it takes several minutes to complete a QSO. And there is definitely no rag-chewing here!
However, it does mean that with a little patience, just a few watts (ie QRP), a not-so-hot antenna and a 44 oz cup of Dr. Pepper, you can work the world!
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